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Will Ron Desantis and His Ilk cancel Harriet Tubman?

Who wouldn’t want their children to share her attributes of courage, selflessness, kindness, perseverance, and moral intelligence? Aren’t these the very things we should be teaching our children?

Will Ron Desantis and His Ilk cancel Harriet Tubman?
Harriet Tubman / Photographer: Horatio Seymour Squyer, 1848–18 Dec 1905 — National Portrait Gallery

Teach your kids to be like Harriet, not Ron.

This is a little blurb I wrote a while back. It's still true.

by James F. Stephens, J.D.

Published inUnpopular Opinions·1 min read·Feb 7, 2023

My favorite historical figure is Harriet Tubman.

I admire the total commitment to a moral cause she relentlessly pursued. Tubman was the epitome of tireless self-sacrifice on behalf of others.

She exemplifies how the past can be fairly judged through a contemporary lens when the standards applied are timeless aspects of human virtue.

This is why Harriet Tubman is still widely admired.

Who wouldn’t want their children to share her attributes of courage, selflessness, kindness, perseverance, and moral intelligence? Aren’t these the very things we should be teaching our children?

Will figures like Harriet Tubman be subject to bans against teaching accurate American historyIf people like Ron Desantis have their way, then yes.

Will our collective national virtue suffer if teaching the truth is criminalized?

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